Tips for a Healthy Halloween
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Tips to celebrate Halloween while practicing healthy habits with your family.
Newest Guidelines for HPV Vaccinations from the CDC
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The CDC currently recommends the HPV vaccine be included in routine vaccinations for those 11 or 12 years old. Vaccination can be started as early as at age 9.
Breastfeeding: Healthier for Baby, Healthier for You
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Breastfeeding is more than just providing food; it’s a close bonding experience that sets the stage for a healthy life. Breastfeeding significantly improves the health, development and wellbeing of infants and children as well as mothers, both in the short- and long-term. We’ll explore the many advantages of breastfeeding for both you and your little…
Help Kids Be Healthy During the Summer
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You can help your kids prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally for the upcoming school year with healthy and fun summer activities. Learn new ways for kids to be healthy this summer.
Keeping Young Children Safe from Medicine Poisoning
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Every year, thousands of young children end up in hospital emergency rooms after accidentally ingesting medicine they found left out and within reach. This is a serious concern, and here we review some key safety tips.
Acne and Skin Health
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As part of the American Academy of Dermatology’s Healthy Skin Month, we thought we would share some helpful information on a subject that is important to many of our adolescent patients and their parents – Acne. Many tweens, teens, and adults get acne. Pimples and blackheads can be embarrassing and make you feel bad about…
National Head Lice Prevention Month
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Just in time for the new school year, September is national head lice prevention month. The campaign, sponsored by The NPA (National Pediculosis Association), highlights the importance of routine screening and early detection.
How to Keep Your Family Healthy on Vacation
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If you’re a parent, you already know that traveling with a sick child is no fun. There are things you can do to reduce your chances of having an illness ruin your trip. Here are 8 tips for keeping your family healthy on vacation. Prepare for Healthy Travel Check the travel requirements and recommendations for…