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Men’s Health

Men’s Health is a broad term that includes health issues prevalent in men, like prostrate conditions, in addition to conditions that affect both men and women but may affect men differently, such as diabetes and heart disease.
male patient with doctor

According to the CDC, men die at higher rates from the 3 leading causes of death in the United States (heart disease, cancer, & accidental injury), and on average men die 5 years earlier than women. 

Many men avoid doctors and hospitals but suffer from preventable diseases and conditions.  Regular check-ups and screening tests can spot disease early when it is easiest to treat.  Men can take control of their health with a healthy lifestyle that includes: a healthy diet, regular exercise, not smoking, reducing stress, moderating alcohol consumption, and visiting the doctor regularly.

When contemplating your health care, there is a lot to consider. Knowing the conditions and diseases that are among the top health risks for men is important.

Top Health Threats to Men

Accidents and Injuries – Men are more likely than women to be injured in accidents. This is due in part to the fact that men are more likely to engage in risky activities. Men are more likely to be injured in auto and motorcycle accidents, in addition to home and social incidents.

Cancer – Types of cancer that commonly affect men are testicular cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, and lung cancer.  During your annual check-up, your primary care doctor will tell you when it’s time to get screened and will check for signs of any of these cancers.

Colorectal cancer and testicular cancer can often be beat when detected and treated in the early stages, and the earlier cancer is caught, the better the chance of it being treated.

Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease – includes 4 major diseases: COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and asthma.  These conditions interfere with your ability to breathe.  Risk factors for chronic respiratory disease include allergens, occupational risks, and air pollution, but smoking remains the leading cause of respiratory disease. If you’re thinking about quitting smoking, talk to your doctor about help.

Depression and Suicide – Depression can often go undiagnosed in men because they are reluctant to seek help, or because symptoms don’t always present the way you may expect. Men sometimes experience depression as irritability or anger rather than sadness.  If you think you are suffering from depression, talk to your healthcare provider.  Even the most severe cases of depression are treatable. Remember healthcare professionals are trained to help, not judge.

Diabetes – is a condition in which the body does not produce or use insulin correctly.  All men should begin regular screening for diabetes around the age of 45, but screening may begin earlier in men who have a family history of diabetes, are overweight, take certain medications, or have other risk factors for diabetes such as high blood pressure. While you can’t change all your risk factors, you can make healthy life choices to help prevent diabetes.

Heart Disease – According to the CDC, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in men in the United States.  Risk factors for heart disease and stroke depend on your age, gender, race, and family medical history.  Your family doctor can calculate your risk based on these factors along with your cholesterol level, blood pressure, and smoking habits.

Prostate Conditions – Millions of men experience prostate conditions that affect their daily lives including enlarged prostate, cancer, and prostatitis.  Prostate cancer is the most common cancer found in American men and is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in men.  Tests like PSA screenings and digital rectal exams can increase your chance of survival by finding prostate cancer early.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) – If you have more than one partner or have had casual sex with people you don’t know, you should be screened more often for STIs and may benefit from getting tested for HIV more often (for example, every 3 to 6 months). Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are at even higher risk of contracting STIs than heterosexual men. STIs can have serious health consequences, so it is important for all men to practice safe sex and get tested for STIs regularly.

Substance Abuse – Men are more likely than women to abuse alcohol and drugs which can lead to several health problems, including liver damage, heart disease, and cancer. Alcohol consumption presents an increased risk for cancer of the throat, mouth, esophagus, liver, and colon.  Alcohol interferes with testicular function and hormone production which can result in impotence and infertility.  Because alcohol and drug use are linked to risky behavior, it also factors into another risk for men – accidental injury.

Men need to understand, and pay attention to, their health concerns and seek help when needed because many of these health threats are often preventable.

Schedule a Visit

Men’s Health Services

At River Bend Medical Associates, we provide a comprehensive array of healthcare services to help men of all ages achieve optimal health. From exams designed to detect early signs of health issues and ensure you are in overall good health, to screenings that safely and accurately test for potentially life-threatening diseases like prostate cancer, our doctors understand the health issues that men face.

Men’s health care services include:

male patient seeing doctor
  • Annual health exams: An annual physical exam serves as a wellness check for you to touch base with your primary care physician, address any health issues and talk about preventative measures for your future. Visiting your doctor for regular preventive care is one of the best ways to identify and treat health issues before they worsen.  Depending on your risk factors (age, lifestyle, and family history) your doctor may order a variety of blood tests and other screenings during your annual physical exam.  These tests can identify underlying conditions even if you aren’t experiencing symptoms, and early detection of illness often leads to more treatment options.
  • Acute care: This includes treatment for sudden illnesses or injuries.
  • Vaccinations, including HPV, Hep A, and Hepatitis B vaccines
  • Prostate Exams and Cancer screenings
  • Colonoscopies
  • Cholesterol tests
  • Blood pressure screening
  • Sexual health: These services can include screenings for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV prevention medicines such as PrEP and PEP, as well as treatment for erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems. Men should also be aware of the importance of testicular self-exams to detect testicular cancer early.

River Bend Medical Associates’ team of experienced doctors, PAs, NPs, and support staff provide compassionate care in a judgment-free environment, giving you the support and care you need to make the best decisions about your health.

We know that the type of care men need to be at their healthiest changes throughout their lifetime. You can count on us to be with you through every stage.

Take control of your health today by calling River Bend Medical Associates for an annual health exam.  As part of your medical team, we are here to provide you with the best care in all aspects of your health care needs.  For more information on our medical practice, or to make an appointment contact River Bend Medical Associates or call 916-392-4000.

Preventive care services like the ones outlined above not only detect health issues before they become problems, but they can also help enhance our health and quality of life. The type and amount of preventive care we need differs based on individual factors like your age, family medical history, sexual behaviors, lifestyle, and more. Our professional healthcare team will help you determine the appropriate preventive care schedule based on your individual needs and preferences.  

At River Bend Medical Associates, we believe everyone deserves high-quality healthcare services that cater to your unique needs. We offer a full range of health services that meet our male patient’s needs.  Our practice prioritizes not just treating illness, but also providing preventive care to reduce the risk of future health problems.

Our family doctors work to get to know the whole you and create personalized wellness plans that fit your individual body, needs, and goals.

Whether you’re seeking routine care, concerned about a change in health, or getting treatment for complex health needs, our skilled family physicians are here for you, it is our privilege to provide compassionate, quality healthcare for our family, friends, and neighbors.

At River Bend Medical Associates, our physicians and staff provide the highest level of care to patients and their families and will take every opportunity to provide an experience that exceeds our patient’s expectations from check-in to check-out. If you are looking for high-quality health services, contact us today.